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Support AFP

Support your local chapter!

Whether by joining as an AFP member, sponsoring an event, volunteering on a committee, or giving a tax-deductible donation, your support strengthens our community!

Locally Grown Campaign

The annual Locally Grown Campaign directly supports the scholarships our chapter awards to local fundraising professionals for AFP memberships, conferences, and CFRE fees.


Become an AFP Member

Increase your knowledge, access special resources, expand your local network,  and grow your organization with AFP. Click below to learn more and join today.


Sponsor an AFP Event

Support philanthropists in Southern Arizona with a sponsorship, a donation, or buying an event package. To sponsor National Philanthropy Day, click here. To sponsor a monthly meeting, click below.

Learn More

Volunteer with AFP

There are several ways to get involved with our chapter to contribute your talents or expand your skills. Contact us at the link below for information and to be put in touch with your preferred committee.

Join a committee