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AFP Southern Arizona

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the professional association of individuals and organizations that generate philanthropic support for a wide variety of charitable institutions. Founded in 1960, AFP advances philanthropy through its 31,000 members in more than 240 chapters throughout the world.

Our local chapter includes members from Tucson, Marana, Green Valley and Southern Arizona. We have over 150 members in our chapter, some of whom have been fundraising for decades and some of whom are new to the field. We pride ourselves on being an extremely welcoming chapter, and make every effort to integrate new members into our family.

Our local chapter offerings include seminars, networking events, newsletters and a host of other opportunities to learn and share fundraising expertise at the local level.

Events Sign Up for our Newsletter

Ethics and Trust

As champions of ethical fundraising, fundraising professionals work to increase public trust in charitable giving. We are accountable to donors and their organizations to perform to the highest standards. We practice courage and integrity in the stewardship of private and public resources.

Professional Preparation

Fundraising professionals are prepared to serve as leaders and mentors within and on behalf of our organizations. We embrace continuing education and credentialing as pathways to advance in all stages of our professional careers. We use knowledge and skills to strengthen our organizations and communities. We understand, promote and share best practices to use and grow the fundraising body of knowledge.

Advancing Philanthropy

Fundraising professionals are leaders in developing a culture of philanthropy within our organizations and communities. We train staff, boards and volunteers in ethical and effective fundraising practices. We work across organizations and nations to advance positive social good.


Fundraising professionals reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. We work to address the needs of a diverse society. We welcome and support a diversity of individuals and offer pathways for them to succeed.

Partnership and Collaboration

Fundraising professionals are trusted partners with donors in achieving social good. We collaborate locally and globally with other organizations around shared priorities. We work effectively with decision makers in government and business to achieve shared objectives through philanthropy.

Creativity and Innovation

Fundraising professionals stimulate giving through innovative practices and solutions. We imagine and research new ways to connect with donors and achieve results. We share effective ideas and techniques to promote success across the philanthropic sector.


Board of Directors


Lana Baldwin, CFRE

President Elect

Lana Baldwin, CFRE

Past President

Ethan Smith-Cox, CFRE


Lara Ruggles

Membership Chair

Dani Phelps

National Philanthropy Chair

Brittany Smith

Marketing & Communications
Education Chair
Career Services Chair
Government Relations Chair

Edna Meza Aguirre, JD., CFRE

Member at Large

Jennifer Tersigni, MA, CFRE

Member at Large

Elise Christmon

Education Committee Member

Jenny Carrillo, MA, CFRE

Become a Member

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For additional information about membership, please contact Membership Chair Dani Phelps at
