Spirit of Philanthropy Award
The Spirit of Philanthropy Award recognizes individuals or organizations who exemplify philanthropy through their contributions of time, talent, and treasure. Formal praise for those who demonstrate extraordinary leadership and vision in support of your organization’s goals not only confirms their efforts but also inspires others in southern Arizona. AFP Southern Arizona especially encourages recognition of people representing or making a difference on behalf of diverse communities. The Spirit of Philanthropy Award is an opportunity to recognize individuals or organizations who significantly give back to southern Arizona.
Please select one option below, complete the awardee information form, and provide attachments as specified.
Note: all SOP nominations submitted by July 31, 2023 will be mentioned in Tucson Lifestyle Magazine. SOP nominations will be accepted through September 29, 2023.
If you have questions contact Gabi Corrales at afpsouthernaz+sop@gmail.com
Award Only – $100
This option includes:
- Handcrafted Award for one Spirit of Philanthropy award winner
- Name and photo of awardee(s) displayed during the event + an optional bonus 10 second recognition video (View Sample Video)
- Social Media recognition on AFP Southern Arizona Chapter social media platforms
- A mention in the Tucson Lifestyle Magazine (deadline is July 31, 2023)
SOP Award Package- $175
This option includes:
- Handcrafted Award for one Spirit of Philanthropy award winner
- Name and photo of awardee(s) displayed at the event + an optional bonus 10 second recognition video (View Sample Video)
- Social Media recognition on AFP Southern Arizona Chapter social media platforms
- A mention in the Tucson Lifestyle Magazine (deadline is July 31, 2023)
- Quarter-page advertisement in the digital and printed NPD program
The ¼ page congratulatory ad is designed by the nominator. The specifications for this ad are ¼ Page ad, 5” (W) x 1.925” (H). Artwork due no later than Friday, September 29, 2023. (Indicate if this program ad should be B&W or Color).
Table Plus Sponsorship – $1,250
This option includes:
- One (1) table for 10 at the NPD Luncheon
- One (1) Spirit of Philanthropy Award
- Handcrafted Award for one Spirit of Philanthropy award winner
- Name and photo of awardee displayed at event + an optional bonus 10-second recognition video (View Sample Video)
- A mention in the Tucson Lifestyle Magazine (deadline is July 31, 2023)
- Promotional Materials/Print (Deadlines Permitting)
- Social Media / E-blasts
- Quarter-Page AD
The ¼ page ad is designed by the nominator. The specifications for this ad are ¼ Page ad, 5” (W) x 1.925” (H). Artwork due no later than Friday, September 29, 2023. (Indicate if this program ad should be B&W or Color).